Extensive AND intensive autonomous reading on varied topics does seem to do wonders for your language and critical thinking (and somehow results in exam).. 💫💫 🇬🇧👨🎓 USEFUL LINKS FOR FCE/CAE/CPE PREPARATION 👩🎓🇬🇧
Good evening everyone! If you are preparing for any of the exams I have mentioned (even IELTS point 7 and above), there are somethings students must bear in mind when desperate to get an A:
👉🏻 Especially at CAE and above, materials in text and reference books are simply not enough - the language is far too simple.
👉🏻 The Use of English, Reading and Listening themes are usually so mundane and not something students would willingly choose to study in their free time.
👉🏻 In the writing and speaking, despite having skills of paraphrasing, many students lack "Topical Vocabulary" and advanced collocations that are found in genuine sources of English.
So by using these sources I am providing below, you can create a daily routine where you subject yourself to real English.Therefore, in the exam you will perform better because:
a) You won't be selective when it comes to material and will be able to focus better.
b) You will have recorded a lot of frequent, contemporary, and relevant language which you can transplant into your writing and speaking.
c) By regularly studying these sources, you will build up your database of "Topical Vocabulary"
https://www.nationalgeographic.com/ (National Geographic)
- A lot of the reading themes can be based on such topics
http://time.com/ (Time magazine)
- Be random with the themes whether you like them or not. Great source of formal vocab.
https://www.standard.co.uk/ (Evening Standard)
- Great source of language
https://www.theguardian.com/uk/culture (The Guardian/Culture)
- Even though there are many subjects here, I have chosen "Culture" as the themes here are exactly those that you might get in CPE
http://www.private-eye.co.uk/ (Private Eye)
- A tough read since a lot of the articles are written with satire
http://discovermagazine.com/ (Discover Magazine)
- A bit of science but definitely CAE and CPE style
https://issuu.com/ (A site with a collection of various magazines)
- Perfect for exam prep since there are so many different themes here
https://www.youtube.com/user/newatlantisline (New Atlantis Documentary Channel)
- Loads of documentaries on Youtube: mainly nature stuff
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLj8sbKYMCIkU5BBtL6C22g (Documentary Films)
- Every boring theme you need for CAE/CPE Reading and Listening
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZEPItn2Nb62Zso5eohHAAA (BBC Documentary Channel)
- Nice English to follow, investigative journalism. Loads of useful Language
https://www.youtube.com/user/vice (VICE Documentaries)
- Themes on basically everything!!!!
😎 So guys, set yourself a routine, watch and read stuff even if it's not your cup of tea. Train your brain to form context, train your ear, learn to read faster, record loads of language even if known and that you could imagine using said structure in your writing or speaking 😎
Enjoy!!!!!!! 👌🏻
![Extensive and Intensive Autonomous Reading for FCE/CAE/CPE Preparation](https://sun9-42.userapi.com/impf/c848732/v848732138/13023b/8WSVH4mv0GY.jpg?size=640x384&quality=96&sign=12dda46c14ace17d14d0f61a7955dcd5&c_uniq_tag=CGq_T1xTF-EeRiq2OgEmR7pDiIEQR6caF-ItGRufA1M&type=album)