Hi! My name's Masha and I'm an experienced teacher-linguist with an enormous desire to understand more about the way we learn languages. I'm finishing my Master's in Applied linguistics and language acquisition at the University of Barcelona and I'm currently doing research which seeks to discover more ways in which we learn English in different settings and what teacher think and do about it. You can help me out by taking part in the survey I've created if you are: -a non-native teacher of English, -an experienced English learner (B1+ level and higher, since the survey is in English with some open questions), or -a native teacher of English AND an L2 user/learner. The teachers and learners who have already submitted their responses said it was easy, insightful and raised their awareness on certain topics. That's good to know, right?? No one wants to waste their time on something irrelevant and boring. And I will definitely be sharing results in a special webinar with everyone interested as a thank-you for participation. 🙂 Otherwise, spreading it around will make a huge difference, too! Here's the link: https://forms.gle/UwBprSeXL3PMVRqt8 Feel free to ask me any questions and share this with your colleagues and friends/students in your (online) communities. This will help me IMMENSELY. Thank you for your time!

Теги других блогов: survey English language learning teacher-linguist