Teachers, colleagues and English-speaking friends (especially those who don't follow me on Instagram)! I have 2 pieces of news for you :) Some of you already know that I'm a sucker for a good discussion/analysis, so I've launched a Cinema club (together with Carlos) and a Book club, for everyone wishing to practice their English informally (exposing yourself to it NOT for the purpose of learning the language) and to have an extra-boost to watch and read more good stuff in English INTERACTIVELY⚡ They function separately but here's all you should know about both of them to get started 🚀 ✔Why: We're meeting to discuss a movie that was suggested or half of the book chosen together (depending on the week*), to get to know each other, have fun and practice being SASSY speaking in English all the while 😉 ✔ When: every Sunday, at 3 pm or 12 pm for Peninsular Spain (GMT +2) (the hour's up for discussion every week depending on who's joining - different time zones!). The speaking session lasts around 90 minutes. ✔Where: in Discord, on the servers I've created for each club 🤪 All the details on how to set up/join are in the Telegram chat 👀 ✔ How much: It's free for my students and 250 rubles (for Russians)/ 3eu (for non-Russians) for the rest, a small fee for bolstering our commitment. 😎 To join either or both of the clubs, contact me here or in Telegram (@allroundmasha) or in Instagram (@colourcode)) And don't hesitate to invite your English speaking friends / students / colleagues :) Cheers! And hope to see you soon! 🐸🍿 * following Sunday 1st of August we're finishing discussing our first book ('Anxious people' by F. Backman) and choosing the next one! The next MOVIE session will be on August, 8 - we're discussing 'Arrival', make sure to watch it!

Теги других блогов: English practice Cinema club Book club